General conditions of sale CT Mer Forte 4.0 training center
CT Mer Forte is a professional training organization whose head office is located in Port la Forêt 29940 La Forêt-Fouesnant (France). CT Mer Forte develops, offers and provides training.
These general conditions of sale apply to all training services undertaken by CT Mer Forte on behalf of a Customer. The fact of registering or placing an order implies the Customer's full and unreserved acceptance of these general conditions of sale. These general conditions of sale prevail over any other document of the Customer, and in particular over all the general conditions of purchase of the Customer.
Financial conditions, regulations and terms of payment
All prices are indicated in euros and excluding taxes. They must be increased by VAT at the rate in force.
The payment of the price of the training is to be made at the end of the training, upon receipt of invoice, in cash, without discount to the order of CT Mer Forte. In the event of a long journey, intermediate invoicing may be incurred.
Any sum not paid on the due date automatically and without prior notice entails the application of penalties of an amount equal to one and a half times the legal interest rate. CT Mer Forte shall have the option of obtaining settlement by litigation at the Customer's expense without prejudice to any other damages that may be due to CT Mer Forte.
In the event of payment by the OPCA on which the Client depends, it is the Client's responsibility to make his request for reimbursement before the start of the training. The financing agreement must be communicated at the time of registration and on the copy of the estimate that the Customer returns duly informed, dated, stamped, signed and marked with the words "Good for agreement" to CT Mer Forte. In the event of partial coverage by the OPCA, the difference will be invoiced directly by CT Mer Forte to the Customer. If the Client's support agreement does not reach Mer Forte at the latest one working day before the start of the training, CT Mer Forte reserves the right to refuse entry into training of the Trainee or to invoice the totality of the training costs to the Client.
In exceptional circumstances, payment in installments may be made. In any case, its modalities must have been formalized before the start of the training.
Withdrawal and replacement of a participant
In the event of a withdrawal notified by the Customer to Mer Forte at least 7 days before the start of the training, CT Mer Forte offers the Customer the possibility:
- to postpone the registration of the Trainee for a subsequent training, duly scheduled in the catalog of CT Mer Forte, and after possible agreement of the OPCA,
- to replace the Intern prevented by another participant having the same profile and the same training needs, subject to the possible agreement of the OPCA.
Cancellation, absence or interruption of training
Any module started is due in full and will be invoiced to the Client by Mer Forte. In the event of absence, interruption or cancellation, CT Mer Forte's invoicing will distinguish between the price corresponding to the days actually attended by the Trainee and the sums due for the absences or interruption of the training. It is reminded that the sums due by the Client in this respect cannot be attributed by the Client to his obligation to participate in continuing professional training or be the subject of a request for reimbursement by an OPCA.
In this case, the Customer undertakes to pay the sums which would remain at his expense directly to CT Mer Forte.
On the other hand, in the event of cancellation of the training by the Customer, CT Mer Forte reserves the right to invoice the Customer for cancellation costs calculated as follows:
- if the cancellation occurs more than 15 working days before the start of the training: no cancellation fees
- if the cancellation occurs between 15 days and 7 working days before the start of the training: the cancellation costs are equal to 50% of the price excluding tax of the training
- if the cancellation occurs less than 7 working days before the start of the training: the cancellation costs are equal to 100% of the price excluding tax of the training
Opening hours and reception
Unless otherwise indicated on the training presentation sheet and the convocation, the daily duration of training is set at seven hours.
Unless otherwise indicated on the notice, training takes place from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Effective and adjournment
To promote the best learning conditions, the number of students in each course is limited. This number is determined, for each course, according to the objectives and teaching methods.
Registrations are taken into account in their order of arrival. The issuance of an estimate does not take the place of registration. Only quotes duly completed, dated, stamped, signed and marked with the words "Good for agreement", returned to CT Mer Forte have contractual value. Once the number is reached, registrations are closed. CT Mer Forte can then propose to the Trainee to participate in a new session or to appear on a waiting list.
In the event that the number of participants is insufficient to ensure the smooth running of a training, CT Mer Forte reserves the right to postpone the training at the latest one week before the scheduled date and this without compensation.
Quote and certificate
For each training action, an estimate is sent in triplicate by CT Mer Forte to the Customer. Two copies duly completed, dated, stamped, signed and bearing the words "Good for agreement" must be returned to CT Mer Forte by any means at the Customer's convenience: post, fax, email.
If necessary, a special agreement can be established between Mer Forte, l'OPCA or the Customer.
At the end of the training, CT Mer Forte issues a training certificate to the Trainee. In the case of partial or total support by an OPCA, CT Mer Forte sends it a copy of this certificate accompanied by the invoice.
A certificate of attendance for each Trainee can be provided to the Client, at his request.
Obligations and Force Majeure.
As part of its training services, CT Mer Forte is bound by an obligation of means and not of result vis-Ã -vis its Clients or its Trainees.
CT Mer Forte cannot be held responsible with regard to its Clients or its Trainees in the event of non-performance of its obligations resulting from a fortuitous event or force majeure. The following are considered here as fortuitous events or force majeure, in addition to those usually recognized by case law: the illness or accident of a speaker or an educational manager, strikes or social conflicts external to CT Mer Forte, natural disasters , fire, interruption of telecommunications, energy supply, or transport of any type, or any other circumstance beyond the reasonable control of CT Mer Forte.
Intellectual property and copyright
All of the presentation sheets, content and educational materials in whatever form (paper, electronic, digital, oral, etc.) used by CT Mer Forte to provide training or given to Trainees constitute original works and as such are protected by intellectual property and copyright.
As such, the Client and the Trainee are prohibited from using, transmitting, reproducing, exploiting or transforming all or part of these documents, without the express agreement of CT Mer Forte. This prohibition relates, in particular, to any use made by the Client and the Trainee with a view to organizing or leading training.
Confidentiality and communication
CT Mer Forte, the Client and the Trainee undertake to keep confidential the documents and information to which they may have access during the training service or during the exchanges that took place prior to registration, in particular all of the elements appearing in the proposal sent by CT Mer Forte to the Customer. CT Mer Forte undertakes not to communicate to third parties other than the partners with whom the training courses are organized and to the OPCAs, the information transmitted by the Client, including information concerning the Trainees.
However, the Client agrees to be quoted by CT Mer Forte as a client of its training. To this end, the Customer authorizes CT Mer Forte to mention its name as well as an objective description of the nature of the services in its lists of references and proposals for the attention of its prospects and its customers, interviews with third parties, reports of activity, as well as in the event of legal, regulatory or accounting provisions requiring it.
Protection and access to personal information
The Client undertakes to inform each Trainee that:
- personal data concerning him are collected and processed for the purpose of monitoring the validation of the training and improving the offer of CT Mer Forte.
- in accordance with the law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, the Trainee has a right of access, modification, rectification of the personal data concerning him.
In particular, CT Mer Forte will keep the data related to the course and the evaluation of the Trainee's achievements, for a period not exceeding the duration necessary for the assessment of the training.
Finally, CT Mer Forte undertakes to erase at the end of the exercises any image taken there by any video means during practical work or simulations.
Obligations and Force Majeure
The general conditions detailed in this document are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute arising between the Customer and CT Mer Forte on the occasion of the interpretation of these presents or the execution of the contract, an amicable solution will be sought. Otherwise, the Courts of Quimper will have sole jurisdiction to settle the dispute.